Rent controls could help to trigger a renaissance of Britain’s seaside towns, a report argues.
The Housing and Finance Institute said dysfunctional housing markets are at the heart of a “spiral of decline” in many coastal communities.
It argues that tenants and taxpayers are often overpaying for housing which is not worth the rent being charged.
The institute proposes there should be new time-limited and localised rent controls in the poorest coastal communities.
It suggests that a locally assessed fair value rent could be set, reflecting a property’s location and quality.
The institute is also calling for greater support from central government for councils which have communities with pockets of local failed housebuilding markets.
It also…
Read the full article at: http://www.aol.co.uk/money/2017/05/02/rent-controls-urged-to-help-turn-tide-on-spiral-of-decline-in/