Dutch robot builder Honest AgTech was declared bankrupt by the District Court of Noord-Holland, The Netherlands. Earlier this year at the exposition Fruit Logistica in Berlin, the company in Delft introduced the first autonomous robot for applying UV-C in the greenhouse.
The robot developer has filed for bankruptcy itself due to a liquidity shortage. A restart is being investigated. According to the curator, the most important thing is to find a solution for the twenty employees of Honest AgTech. A decision will be made about this in mid-July. More time is needed for a possible restart of the technology building autonomous robots for horticulture, according to Dutch magazine Nieuwe Oogst.
Autonomous robot for horticulture
The robot th…
Read the full article at: https://www.futurefarming.com/tech-in-focus/robot-builder-honest-agtech-declared-bankrupt/