ROCKWELL Diamonds has gone into provisional liquidation after the Kimberley High Court granted an order to discontinue the services of the stricken firms business rescue practitioner Metis Strategic Advisors.
According to a note sent to Rockwell employees by Peter van den Steen, a director of Metis Strategic Advisors, there was still a chance the company could be saved if a sale transaction could be agreed.
Please note that the company has been placed into provisional liquidation not final liquidation, Van den Steen wrote. That means there is still a possibility of a deal that can take place to save the company, he added.
Rockwell said in an announcement to the Johannesburg Stock Exchange on September 18 that it …
Read the full article at: https://www.miningmx.com/top-story/30553-rockwell-put-provisional-liquidation-metis-bows/