Dr Will Nason from Roma Veterinary Clinic and Dr Courtney Scott from Charleville Vet Surgery are calling on Senator for Queensland and Minister for Agriculture Murray Watt to take urgent action to address the veterinary workforce shortage in rural Queensland.
The Roma Veterinary Clinic employs nine vets and Charleville Vet Surgery employs three fulltime vets, together supports the community in a region much larger than Tasmania.
Veterinary clinics across Australia are closing down due to workforce shortages, and employers are seeking Government action. Without these veterinarians and clinics, there would be significant impacts on the state’s capacity in disease response.
“Two thirds of our work is in herd health and disease surve…
Read the full article at: https://www.miragenews.com/roma-and-charleville-vet-clinics-demand-vet-1135214/