WeWork creditors are battling over the remains of a company once valued at over $40 bil
Creditors of defaulting shared office provider WeWork are now fighting over control of the company as it enters restructuring, with that story leading Mingtiandis headline roundup today. Also making the cut is a final adjournment of China Evergrandes liquidation hearing and the continuing slide in Hong Kong home prices.
WeWork Creditors Fight for Control of Restructured Company
Creditors of defaulting shared office provider WeWork are locked in discussions over who will take the keys to the struggling co-working firm as the end of a debt grace period approaches, according to people with knowledge of the matter.
WeWorks top backers including Soft…
Read the full article at: https://www.mingtiandi.com/real-estate/crelist/roundup-wework-creditors-battle-for-post-restructuring-control/