Selier Abogados has incorporated Daniel Gmez de Arriba as new managing partner for the new restructuring and insolvency practice area. With this signing, the Madrid-based firm strengthens a key area to consolidate its market position and achieve its growth plans in the short and medium term.
A graduate in Law from ICADE, an expert in Corporate Restructuring from IE, and associate professor at the Faculty of Economics and Law of the Antonio de Nebrija University, Gmez has more than 25 years of experience in Restructuring and Insolvency, as well as a high level of specialization in the Insolvency area after having served as Insolvency Administrator in more than fifty proceedings.
After working for firms such as Andersen and Ceca Magn, the …
Read the full article at: https://iberianlawyer.com/selier-incorporates-new-managing-partner-for-the-new-restructuring-and-insolvency-practice-area/