UKs Small Robot Company (SRC) proceeds into liquidation. The technology of the company delivered value at a profit, with customers waiting, but could not secure the required investment to scale. According to SRC on LinkedIn they had a signed Term Sheet, but the investment did not land before the runway ended.
Looking back SRC mentioned the co-design of their service with farmers, successfully delivering their Holy Grail, a world first: grass weed detection at field scale. This went commercially live in September, with huge potential: UK blackgrass alone loses farmers 400 million each year. Service last season demonstrated up to 90% herbicide and 24% fertiliser savings.
In 2023 SRC integrated a specially developed sprayer onto its Tomv4…
Read the full article at: https://www.futurefarming.com/tech-in-focus/field-robots/small-robot-company-today-proceeds-into-liquidation/