BEDFORD COUNTY (WSLS10) The Smith Mountain Lake YMCA is holding a first of its kind ultra 50K race along the lakes dam. Money raised will go toward eliminating hundreds of thousands of dollars the facility accrued in debt.
Some area residents told us Smith Mountain Lake attracts both those looking for rest and an adrenaline rush.
All of the celebrations going on at the lake for the 50th anniversary are fantastic, said local bicyclist Sarah McDonald. A 50K along the Smith Mountainsoh that will be very challenging.
The SML YMCA is hosting a first of its kind ultra-trail race April 2nd. Its called the Dam 50K and brings runners through the areas hilly terrain.
One of the climbs in the race is going to be called th…
Read the full article at: http://wsls.com/2016/03/23/sml-ymca-holds-ultra-50k-to-help-offset-debt/