KINGPIN: Kirk Lawton in handcuffs after his arrest in July, 2015. He told Newcastle District Court on Friday that he started selling drugs to help his son, Beau, who is also a drug dealer, clear a $50,000 drug debt.
FORMER Newcastle boxer and rugby league player Kirk Lawton says his motivation for supplying large amounts of cocaine, ice and ecstasy as part of a Hunter drug syndicate was to help his son clear a $50,000 drug debt he owed to some Russian or Bulgarian people from Sydney.
The elder Lawton, now 45, and other syndicate members, Sydney man Taha Eldarwich and well-known Newcastle rugby union player Dylan Heins, faced a sentence hearing in Newcastle District Court on Friday after the trio pleaded guilty to a host of serious drug s…
Read the full article at: http://www.theherald.com.au/story/4820081/dealing-to-clear-sons-debt/