After a number of up and down years, print business sydney Allen Printers is in liquidation.
Sydney Allen Printers was bought by Mark Shergill’s Focus Group in 2016 with the last remaining remnants of the business now in liquidation through BCR Advisory liquidator John Morgan.
Anyone who has debts of claims on the company should contact the administrators before 29 January to prove their debts or claims.

Shergill has confirmed to Sprinter, Focus Group now has no connection with Sydney Allen as the 2016 purchase involved some key pieces of printing equipment – including two Heidelbergs, a 10-colour and six-colour with coater, and an assortment of finishing kit and the customer list.
At the time, Sydney Allen’s general manager, John Mangos, and a number of other key staff transferred across to Focus Group and remain with the business today with Mangos fulfilling the role of production manager at Focus.
“We purchased the name Sydney Allen with machines and took on some staff, John Mangos is still employed by us as production manager along with a number of other staff,” Shergill said.
Shergill added that his understanding is the actual…