The Tasmanian Council of Social Services is preparing a detailed submission to the senate inquiry into the Centrelink robo-debt fiasco.
TasCOSS chief executive Kym Goodes said on Monday that the councils submission focused on a number of key areas, including the impacts of stress on all people who have received a Centrelink debt letter, and the right of people to have income support and other fundamental rights that should not be lost when in receipt of income support.
Ms Goodes said the submission will also highlight the government’s responsibility to act as a model litigant and not engage in oppressive conduct when pursuing a debt.
TasCOSS united with other Tasmanian community service groups in early January to pool resources in response…
Read the full article at: http://www.examiner.com.au/story/4526133/help-still-needed-for-debt-letters/