Despite what the fearmongers would have you believe, the latest inflation figures showed that inflation remains well under control. Not only is there no need for any more rate rises, but doing so would only increase the likelihood of unemployment rising, with little actual impact on inflation.
Theres always danger with reporting on inflation figures because theres more than enough figures flying around to enable commentators and politicians to push out a scare quote that has people thinking inflation is running rampant and, God help us, well be soon carting around our money in wheelbarrows.
I say calm down.
We were once told that the non-accelerating rate of unemployment the level of unemployment needed to stop inflation from rising was a…
Read the full article at: https://www.theguardian.com/business/grogonomics/2024/apr/25/australia-inflation-rate-cpi-figures-hecs-debt-help-student-loan-debts