This is supposed to happen,” he thought.
It didnt work. Regan, a 24-year-old social-media freelancer, wound up losing a little money and ending his TikTok series three months later.
For young people, particularly young men, Regans attempt touched on two prevalent forces in their lives: the spreading legality and popularity of online sports betting and their hefty student loans. With the resumption of student-loan payments, young adults are now turning to sports betting as a Hail Mary pass to tackle their debts.
Its a bigger thing for people, especially our age, who are feeling the effects of a heightened economy and having less money,” Regan said. It seems like were kind of getting the short end of the stick.”
The cost of college has inc…
Read the full article at: https://www.livemint.com/sports/the-hail-mary-tactic-to-pay-off-student-debt-sports-betting-11709117542320.html