The tsunami of building company collapses continues unabated, with Perth housing customers suffering losses and delays as a sixth builder has collapsed in just weeks.
Western Australian home builder Start Right Homes has been sent into liquidation with another 24 hapless customers of failed builders joining the ranks of the disgruntled.
The Osborne Park building company, which mainly constructed single-storey houses and was first registered in 2014, described itself as a specialist in architectural stylings.
The companys website and social media pages have been taken down.
In an interview on Perth radio Peter Stewart, Executive Director, Building and Energy said home owners with incomplete or defective projects should contact QBE to disc…
Read the full article at: https://www.apimagazine.com.au/news/article/this-city-has-seen-its-sixth-building-company-collapse-in-as-many-weeks-can-the-industry-recover