Secondary marketplace TickPick is acquiring the brand and
ticket resale platform Razorgator, which had declared financial insolvency in
TickPick made the announcement today, and cofounder/co-CEO
Brett Goldberg spoke with Pollstar about where Razorgator is headed after
financial woes led to many customers purchasing tickets not honored at venues.
The financial terms of the deal were not disclosed, and it
does not include the corporate ticketing business of Razorgator.
TickPick is a relative newcomer to the secondary game, being
founded in 2011, and most recently took over duties for Firefly festival fromStubHub.
The company…
Read the full article at: https://www.pollstar.com/article/tickpick-acquires-secondary-staple-razorgator-co-ceo-calls-it-an-important-acquisition-of-major-marketplace-135275