This fall, Infarm’s Dutch branch went belly up. At the time, this vertical farm company was already pulling out of several European countries due to financial difficulties in a challenging market. An initial bankruptcy report does not give any explicit details about why the branch became insolvent.
The trustee does, however, point out that the business had far more employees than Chamber of Commerce records show. They say 43 people work at the company. In 2022, that was as high as 45. The trustee writes that most of their job contracts were terminated per German rules.
The report shows that, in 2022, losses topped 106,000, with 374,000 on the books. After an initial look at those figures, the trustee doubts their accuracy. Those …
Read the full article at: https://www.hortidaily.com/article/9581539/trustee-surprised-by-how-many-people-work-at-infarm-s-bankrupt-dutch-branch/