The eulogies had all but been written for Tupperware, a brand once so prolific that it became synonymous with an entire product category. Now it appears it may be getting a second life.
Almost four months after the Orlando-based food storage company expressed substantial doubt about its viability as sales slumped, Tupperware on Thursday announced a deal to restructure its debt. The market reacted positively shares rose 35 percent Friday.
Tupperware recently entered meme stock territory, with individual investors sending the companys shares soaring 541 percent between July 21 and July 31, boost reminiscent of spikes seen in the past for troubled retailers Bed Bath & Beyond and GameStop.
But Tupperwares near-term restructuring pro…
Read the full article at: https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2023/08/04/tupperware-debt-restructure/