The Emirati Ministry of Finance May 25 posted online Ministerial Decision No. 133/2023, on business restructuring relief for corporate tax purposes, under Federal Decree-Law No. 47 of 2022. The decision explains: 1) the exclusion of gains or losses when determining taxable income, for qualifying share transfers with consideration received in addition to shares or other ownership interests; 2) different types of ownership interests; 3) beneficial owners and ownership requirements for share transfers, with separate provisions for unincorporated partnerships; 4) transfers of unutilized tax losses; 5) determining taxable income upon subsequent transfer; and 6) recordkeeping requirements. The decision takes effect May …
Read the full article at: https://news.bloombergtax.com/daily-tax-report-international/united-arab-emirates-mof-posts-ministerial-decision-on-business-restructuring-relief