Elite universities aren?t necessarily the best option for postgraduate students, according to the Grattan Institute?s Andrew Norton.
University students may have to start paying back their HELP debt sooner.
UNIVERSITY graduates may have to start paying their loans back sooner after a report revealed many students will never earn an income high enough to repay their HELP debts.
A Grattan Institute report has found that the government could claw back $500 million more a year more, and even more over time, if it lowered the income threshold that students start repaying their loans.
At the moment students repay their Higher Education Loans Program (HELP) and VET FEE-HELP loans once they start earning $54,186.
If this was reduced to $42,000, thi…
Read the full article at: http://www.news.com.au/finance/economy/federal-budget/university-and-other-students-face-help-hecs-debt-crackdown/news-story/393410da373b62512d59df1df4e8b5d5