Image: Yle
On Wednesday evening the Helsinki City Council will make long-term plans – and very expensive decisions amounting to some 370 million euros – about the future of public transport in the city, Hufvudstadsbladet writes.
While the heavily-publicised, “driverless bus system of the future” continues testing, city officials are also expected to invest heavily on expanding the city’s tram system which has been running for the past 125 years.
The city’s driverless buses have recently been tested in the Hernesaari district and the project will soon be trialled in Espoo’s Otaniemi neighbourhood, according to the paper.
The autonomous bus project’s coordinator Harri Santamala says he thinks the driverless bus system coul…
Read the full article at: http://yle.fi/uutiset/wednesdays_papers_helsinkis_370m__transport_plans_debt_help_queues_turku_eaterys_free_buffet/9133499