If privacy is important to you, then you need to be careful of the path you choose. Some debt repayment arrangements can become part of a searchable online database.
Q: I was laid off for a few months a while back and Ive been playing catch up with my debts ever since. Now Ive really gotten behind with my payments and I think I will need help right away. But Im worried that if I ask for help, it will affect my future. Will anyone find out that Im in financial trouble and that I asked for help? ~Brian
A: Money is a topic no one likes to talk about, and certainly not once they find themselves in financial difficulty. When dealing with debt, the choice you make about how to resolve your situation will determine who can find out …
Read the full article at: http://blogs.theprovince.com/2016/01/18/who-finds-out-when-you-get-help-with-your-debts-can-it-be-private/