Reports read to the court said that Newburn had a chronic gambling addiction that was amplified after a trip to Las Vegas. Photo: Getty Images
A recidivist thief with a gambling addiction fuelled by a trip to Las Vegas repaid a small Christchurch family business that employed her by stealing more than $150,000 from them.

Gail Newburn, 63, is no stranger to taking money from those who employ her. In 2012 she admitted stealing $109,231 from Christchurchs Crowne Plaza hotel where she worked.
But a family that ran a previously small plumbing and draining business knew about her convictions and took her on anyway because they wanted to give her another chance, which they say was met with “lies and deceit”.
Peter Diver Plumbing & Drainage …
Read the full article at: https://www.odt.co.nz/star-news/star-christchurch/woman-stole-153k-fuel-gambling-addiction