Many people across the UK are living on a financial cliff edge with increasing debt problems as the cost of living pressures have taken their toll, so where can you go to receive free debt advice to try and ease any increasing money worries?
More than eight million people now need debt advice and over 12 million are in serious financial trouble, according to the Money and Pensions Service (MaPS).
Using a survey that it conducted involving 22,519 adults between July and September last year, MaPS calculated that 15% or 8.1 million needed expert advice on how to cope with the money that they owe.
Paying off the mortgage or the rent, alongside council tax and utility bill arrears are some of the typical problems that many are facing.
Read the full article at: https://www.finance-monthly.com/2024/03/worried-about-mounting-debts-where-to-go-for-debt-advice-that-is-free-of-charge/