Press Briefing on Sri Lanka's 2024 Article IV Consultation and the Second Review under the Extended Fund Facility – International Monetary Fund

June 14, 2024 PARTICIPANTS: Moderator: HUONG LAN PINKY VU Communications Officer Speakers: PETER BREUER Senior Mission Chief for Sri Lanka KATSIARYNA SVIRYDZENKA Deputy Mission Chief for Sri Lanka SARWAT JAHAN Resident Representative in Sri Lanka * * * * * T R A N S C R I P T MS. VU: Good morning, everyone.…

Press Briefing on Sri Lanka's 2024 Article IV Consultation and the Second Review under the Extended Fund Facility – International Monetary Fund

June 14, 2024 PARTICIPANTS: Moderator: HUONG LAN PINKY VU Communications Officer Speakers: PETER BREUER Senior Mission Chief for Sri Lanka KATSIARYNA SVIRYDZENKA Deputy Mission Chief for Sri Lanka SARWAT JAHAN Resident Representative in Sri Lanka * * * * * T R A N S C R I P T MS. VU: Good morning, everyone.…

Press Briefing on Sri Lanka's 2024 Article IV Consultation and the Second Review under the Extended Fund Facility – International Monetary Fund

June 14, 2024 PARTICIPANTS: Moderator: HUONG LAN PINKY VU Communications Officer Speakers: PETER BREUER Senior Mission Chief for Sri Lanka KATSIARYNA SVIRYDZENKA Deputy Mission Chief for Sri Lanka SARWAT JAHAN Resident Representative in Sri Lanka * * * * * T R A N S C R I P T MS. VU: Good morning, everyone.…