With medical debt burdening millions, a financial regulator steps in to help Arkansas Advocate – Arkansas Advocate

When President Barack Obama signed legislation in 2010 to create the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, he said the new agency had one priority: looking out for people, not big banks, not lenders, not investment houses. Since then, the CFPB has done its share of policing mortgage brokers, student loan companies, and banks. But as the…

The Fiscal and Financial Risks of a High-Debt, Slow-Growth World – International Monetary Fund

Inflation-adjusted interest rates are well above post global financial crisis lows, while medium-term growth remains weak. Persistently higher interest rates raise the cost of servicing debt, adding to fiscal pressures and posing risks to financial stability. Decisive and credible fiscal action that gradually brings global debt levels to more sustainable levels can help mitigate these…