African Americans are held back the most by student loan debt. Heres a solution. – The Washington Post

(iStock/iStock) By Harry Williams June 13 at 4:53 PM Harry L. Williams is the president & CEO of the Thurgood Marshall College Fund and is a past president of Delaware State University. Our student loan debt crisis is preventing millions of young Americans from purchasing homes, starting families, saving for retirement and creating wealth. No…

6 unique ways companies are helping employees pay off crushing student debt – Business Insider Australia

With student debt higher than ever in America, companies are finding unique ways to help their employees out of the student-loan hole. As of June 2019, the national student debt is at an all-time high of nearly $US1.6 billion, second only to national mortgage debt. According to the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), around…

Documents reveal the Government looked at recovering HELP loans from deceased estates – ABC News

A plan to recover the student debts of people who have died was under consideration by the Federal Government, documents obtained by the ABC under Freedom of Information reveal. The Federal Education Department estimated the move could save taxpayers $46 million over a decade, but it acknowledged it would be controversial. The Government eventually…