Baseball tickets? Gambling debts? Democrats dig for answers from Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh –

WASHINGTON Senate Democrats are demanding written answers from Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh to more than 1,000 questions following a four-day confirmation hearing last week that elicited more heat than light. The queries go beyond the law to policy, politics and Kavanaugh’s personal life, including his finances and potential benefactors. Several senators sought details on the federal…

Yo, Did Brett Kavanaugh Roll Aces And Get Emotional About Losing His Stash? Sheldon Whitehouse Thinks So. – Above the Law

Consider this your official legal explainer about Brett Kavanaugh and the game of Cee-Lo We are at the written questions stage of the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation process. Each Senator submits a set of written queries. The nominees are supposed to respond, but if you think a guy like Brett Kavanaugh can be evasive about his…

Baseball tickets? Gambling debts? Democrats dig for answers from Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh – Daily American Online

WASHINGTON Senate Democrats are demanding written answers from Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh to more than 1,000 questions following a four-day confirmation hearing last week that elicited more heat than light. The queries go beyond the law to policy, politics and Kavanaugh’s personal life, including his finances and potential benefactors. Several senators sought details on the federal…

Senators Press Kavanaugh Over Kozinski Clerkship, Loyalty, Personal Debt & More –

Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh listens to the Senate Judiciary Committee on Capitol Hill on, Sept. 4. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin) The Senate Judiciary Committee late Wednesday released more than a thousand written questions posed by senators and answered by U.S. Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh in the wake of his confirmation hearing last week. In…

Baseball tickets? Gambling debts? Democrats dig for answers from Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh – USA TODAY

President Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh, responds to a question from Sen. Kamala Harris, D-California, at last week’s Senate Judiciary Committee hearing.(Photo: AP) WASHINGTON — Senate Democrats are demanding written answers from Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh to more than 1,000 questions following a four-day confirmation hearing last week that elicited more heat…

Brett Kavanaugh Grilled on ‘Gambling Addiction’ and Unusually High Credit Card Debt – Casino.Org News

Last weeks combative Senate Judiciary Committee hearings saw President Donald Trumps Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh, interrogated on everything from his views on racial profiling to abortion rights, but now one Democrat wants to know about his gambling habits. Presidents Trumps nominee for the Supreme Court, Brett Kavanaugh, performs the bunny ears air-quote maneuver during…

Sheldon Whitehouse Asks Brett Kavanaugh If He Has A Gambling Problem – HuffPost

Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) wants to know if Judge Brett Kavanaugh, President Donald Trumps nominee to the Supreme Court, has a gambling problem. Have you ever sought treatment for a gambling addiction? Whitehouse asks pointedly as part of a series of questions submitted this week about Kavanaughs unexplained personal debts. … Read the full article at: